
How to make tomato sauce?

How to make tomato sauce?

Sauces are added to give food a texture, color, flavor, and moisture. They are also served with cooked food to enhance their taste. Tomato sauce is undoubtedly the most popular sauce. It is the favorite of people worldwide. So, who does not like tomato ketchup? But wait! Are you also consuming store-bought tomato sauce? If yes, you are putting your health in danger as the store-bought sauce is extremely harmful to the body.

So what’s the solution?

You might be thinking that if the store-bought tomato sauce is this much harmful, it should be cut down. But the solution is that you should consider preparing tomato sauce at home. It will be healthier and more nutritional than the sauce you buy from the market. It is relatively cheaper, and a small number of tomatoes yield a large quantity of sauce that you can store later. Moreover, it is not much time-consuming. Once it’s done, you can use it for several days.

Recipe of Tomato Sauce

Surprisingly, tomato sauce is very easy to make. Even if you are not an expert cook, you can still prepare this sauce yourself because its preparation does not require expertise. You have to be confident about that. Below we have shared the simplest and quick recipe for tomato sauce. It can take a maximum of 40 minutes. So let’s make it.

Ingredients You Need

Tomatoes: 5 pounds

Garlic Clove: 1

Tomato Paste: 1 tbsp

Bay leaf: 1

Olive Oil: 2 tbsp

Basil sprig: 1

Steps to make tomato sauce


You can add vinegar while simmering the sauce. It will act as a preservative for your tomato sauce and make it last longer. A small amount of finely chopped onion can also be added along with garlic to enhance the flavor. To get rid of the tangy taste of tomatoes, add sugar to the pulp while boiling. But do not add too much sugar if you want to keep your sauce healthy.

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